Supporting animal health AMR governance and the implementation of the PCAP

Project: Supporting animal health antimicrobial resistance governance and the implementation of the Pan-Canadian Action Plan

In recognition of the growing threat of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), the Government of Canada, in collaboration with federal, provincial, and territorial partners developed and finalized the Pan-Canadian Action Plan (PCAP) on Antimicrobial Resistance. The PCAP provides a 5-year multi-jurisdictional and multi-sectoral roadmap for concerted action to address AMR.

In October 2023, Animal Health Canada (AHC) in partnership with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada initiated a ‘network of network’ project called “Supporting animal health antimicrobial resistance (AMR) governance and the implementation of the Pan-Canadian Action Plan (PCAP)”.

Project goals:

  1. Initiate a ‘network of networks’ bringing together partners to provide collaborative guidance on a cohesive, functional, and responsive farmed animal health and welfare system in Canada to coordinate the PCAP for AMR implementation for animal health.
  2. Develop a leadership structure for farmed animal health sectors within the One Health context in response to the actions and goals outlined in the PCAP for AMR.
  3. To collaborate with industry and government stakeholders within animal health to build a 5-year forward plan to support PCAP for AMR implementation.

The details of activities are now available to read in the project summary report.

Setting the Path Forward: Leadership Action for the Pan-Canadian Action Plan (PCAP) for AMR in Animal Health
AMR Strategic Planning Workshop Report Summary