Canadian Animal Health Surveillance System

The Canadian Animal Health Surveillance System (CAHSS) is a distinct division of Animal Health Canada that is dedicated to promoting the importance of a coordinated, national surveillance system through partner engagement and information sharing.

CAHSS recognizes that systematic data collection, analysis and interpretation are integral to improving health and welfare outcomes and reducing the scale and impact of disease events. It does this through an independent, member-driven network of networks with broad based support from industry and governments that work across geographic regions, animal types, and One Health topics.

CAHSS advises on national animal health surveillance priorities and disease patterns and is focused on the generation, exchange, and application of data-driven information to track animal health, and rapidly detect and respond to changing patterns of disease.


Visit the CAHSS website to see how the division brings together and uses data-driven information to demonstrate animal health, minimize impacts of disease, and guide planning on national animal health priorities.