Antimicrobial Use (AMU) and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global problem arising from the use of antimicrobials (or antibiotics) in both humans and animals.

As a complex, multi-faceted, and increasing public health threat, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared AMR as one of the top ten public health threats facing humanity. Effective response and preparedness require a One Health approach – one that recognizes the close interplay between human health, animal health, and their shared environment.

In recognition of the growing threat of AMR, the Government of Canada, in collaboration with federal, provincial, and territorial partners developed and finalized the Pan-Canadian Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance (PCAP). The PCAP released in June 2023 provides a 5-year multi-jurisdictional and multi-sectoral roadmap for concerted action to address AMR.

Setting the Path Forward

Animal Health Canada partnered with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada on a project to develop the leadership and plan for the implementation of the Pan-Canadian Action Plan for AMR in animal health.

The Canadian Animal Health AMU/AMR Leadership Team will actively engage in the evolving landscape of AMR in its global interconnection with animal, human, and environmental health through a network of One Health stakeholder collaborations.

The next steps are to thoroughly assess the AMU/AMR landscape to update the industry's knowledge on current achievements, ongoing programs and activities, and any gaps related to antimicrobial use and resistance in Canadian animal health.