Antimicrobial Use and Resistance: An Environmental Scan

The "Canadian Animal Health 2024 Report on Antimicrobial Use and Resistance (AMU/AMR): An Environmental Scan" will be a comprehensive assessment aimed to update the industry's knowledge on current achievements, ongoing programs and activities, and any gaps related to antimicrobial use and resistance in Canadian animal health.

This report serves as a response to the release of the Pan-Canadian Action Plan for Antimicrobial Resistance, addressing regulatory hurdles and identifying any existing gaps in relation to animal health and welfare.

Key elements covered in the report will include:

  • Updating the industry's understanding of current AMU/AMR situation, including trends, policies, challenges, and emerging threats.
  • Assessing regulatory hurdles and policy frameworks impacting AMU/AMR practices and interventions within the Canadian animal health sector.
  • Identifying gaps in research and innovation for alternatives to antimicrobials, as outlined in the Pan-Canadian Action Plan for AMR.
  • Mapping the network of industry and government-based research entities focused on AMU/AMR and assessing the financial commitments to these initiatives.
  • Analyzing the distribution of funds across specific AMU/AMR research categories and assessing the contributions from both government and industry sources.
  • Identifying barriers to access, security, stable availability, pharmaceutical company participation, and regulatory/policy roadblocks hindering progress in AMU/AMR research and innovation. Animal Health – Strategic Planning for PCAP for AMR Implementation Report Summary, February 2024
  • Developing processes for adopting innovative approaches, such as genomics and gut modifiers, into mainstream practices to address AMU/AMR challenges effectively.

Findings will be completed in Winter 2024.