AHC News and Updates

The Canadian Animal Health Surveillance System (CAHSS) is designed to be a network of networks to build on established animal health surveillance initiatives. Each primary CAHSS network revolves around a specific issue or animal type. Primary networks are linked together through 'all CAHSS' events and network leadership groups to share information and best practices for surveillance. Groups and individuals that are involved in animal health surveillance in Canada and support the CAHSS principles can become network members. Participation is voluntary. Currently, industry and veterinary associations and their members, and federal-provincial-territorial governments including agriculture and animal health, public health and environment are active in CAHSS. 

On October 7, CAHSS had its leaders meeting (steering group/network chairs and co-chairs) with 27 participants. Dr. Elaine Klemmensen captured a visual summary of the division's network success stories. 

Click on the image to view the PDF.

You can learn more and join a network here: https://cahss.ca/cahss-networks